Recently legislation for parish councils to carry out the business of the council via virtual meetings has expired. This creates a challenging situation in conflict with COVID-19 lockdown regulations, as council meetings must allow residents and members of the public and press to attend. There is pressure for the Government to resolve this to allow virtual meetings to continue, but in the meantime Councils are left with limited options.
The health and safety of residents, Councillors and members of staff is paramount. Therefore, for a limited period Pembury Parish Council will operate by delegating powers to the Parish Clerk in consultation with Committee members. Committee members and the Parish Clerk will meet virtually to agree these decisions. The meeting will be open to the public to maintain transparency. The link to the virtual meeting will be available on the agenda. Details of agendas and minutes from the meetings will be available on our website
The Parish Council will keep this under regular review.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Clerk on