Well done to the team of volunteers helping with the renovation of the Downingbury Farm Pond!
According to Farm residents this Pond, which has been present since at least 1770, had become very overgrown. In order to provide diversity of habitat, and improve amenity in Pembury, a plan to restore the pond has been set up with Parish Council , Peter Jervis the Farm manager and local volunteers.
As can be seen in our video, the bank adjacent to the Farm drive has been cleared of the very invasive goat willow ( also known as sallow or pussy willow.). This has improved the view of the pond and will lessen water loss. The water in the pond is currently very clear and about 90cm deep in places. Further work to clear goat willow actually in the pond and other surrounding unwanted undergrowth will continue later in the year to protect currently nesting birds. The larger trees and gorse will be left in situ. There is already evidence of insect life in the pond. Hopefully this will start to attract other predatory species such as birds, dragonflies and amphibians back to the location.
Anybody interested in helping to continue the work later in the year please contact Jon Webster at the Parish Council on jon.webster@pemburyparishcouncil.gov.uk.