
Commemorative Oak Tree

Following requests from residents, the Parish Council will be planting a native oak tree on the Village Green to commemorate the late Queen at a short service on Wednesday 25 January at...

Nature Notes Jan 2023– Jon Webster

Winter is over half way through and the temperatures generally have been above average. This does make life a little easier for the local birdlife and small mammals. If you can try and install some...

The Kings Coronation 6th May 2023

After the success of last year’s Jubilee picnic, the Parish Council will be planning how we celebrate the Kings Coronation... but we would love to have your thoughts! The Community Events Working...

PVN Advertisers 2023

Do you run a local business? Are you interested in advertising in the Pembury Village News for 2023? The PVN is published quarterly and delivered to over 2,300 households in the village. Check...

Pembury Village Hall Manager Vacancy

Job vacancy for the role of: Hall Manager Hours: 7-10 hours per week [approx.] Rate: £13.00 per hour A vacancy has arisen for the post of Hall Manager for Pembury Village Hall. This is...