

Pembury Village News

We publish a newsletter four times a year (in March, June, September and December). This is delivered to all residents within the Parish. The newsletter is funded by advertising and precept.


Please contact us if you would like to advertise in our newsletter or submit an article: or 01892-823193.

Advertising Rates for the year 2024:

Quarter page – £285
Half page – £370
Full page – £560
Inside front cover – £625
Back cover – £730

Advertisers are expected to take out a full year’s advertising from January to December. Please submit your completed application form to the Parish Office or by email to

Copy dates are 1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November.

Our latest editions

2024 Issue 197 Issue 198
2023Issue 193 Issue 194  Issue 195 Issue 196
2022 Issue 189 Issue 190 Issue 191 Issue 192
2021 Issue185 Issue 186  Issue 187 Issue 188
2020 Issue181 Issue182 Issue183 Issue 184
2019 Issue177 Issue178 Issue179 Issue180
2018 Issue 173 issue174 Issue175 Issue 176
2017 Issue 169 Issue 170 Issue 171 Issue 172
2016 Issue 165 issue166 Issue 167 Issue 168
2015 issue161 issue162 issue163 issue164
2014 issue157 issue158 issue159 issue160
2013 Issue153 Issue154 Issue155 issue156

We also have earlier editions going back to 1974.

Terms and Conditions

Please see our Advertising policy and Terms and Conditions.