
Pembury Neighbourhood Plan – Visioning Event

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent visioning event on 21 April 2021.  Please see a copy of the report for details of what was discussed and the meeting’s outcomes.

Conclusions from the event

The event provided a useful and interesting platform for members of the community to discuss key issues of importance to them and the future of Pembury village and wider parish. Particular themes that stood out, which might be incorporated into a vision for the parish include:

• Pembury as a community that people will feel happy to be part of: retaining the village feel of Pembury, distinct from Tunbridge Wells, and welcoming newcomers (as the village expands) into community life. Within the parish, the smaller ‘hamlets’ too retain their own feel, as well as looking to the village as the focus for community activity and events.

• The village green and village centre are at the heart of the village: safeguarding valued facilities and amenities will mean that everyday needs are catered for locally. There will be a full programme of local events celebrating village life, utilising shared spaces around the parish.

• Pembury reflects the beauty and character of the High Weald: both in terms of its landscape – orchards, woodland, agricultural fields, ponds – and its built environment – a mix of styles and materials and colours. New developments are well-designed, high quality and sustainable.

• The parish has retained its rural feel: The green infrastructure underpinning the parish plays an integral role in the future of the parish: the contribution, maintenance and expansion of green spaces, wildlife corridors, landscape features, waterways and woodlands is central to any development in Pembury.

• Pembury as a home for life: new housing meets the needs of local people, meaning that those who live here, or choose to live, can continue to do so for as long as they wish including downsizing in later life.

• People will be able to work locally, without the need to commute if they wish: by encouraging new developments to support home-working and providing start-up units and flexible shared space for co-working and other leisure uses.

• A parish that offers something for everyone: children and teenagers are involved in determining what they want and need for the village as they grown up; workers can access fresh air and leisure facilities while working from home; and older people feel included.

• A walkable and cyclable parish: A cared for and well-promoted network of twittens and cycle paths means that local people can get from home to work, to the local facilities and amenities easily and safely.