
Tennis Courts in Lower Green Recreation Ground to re-open

Tennis ball

Following the recent government announcement, Pembury Parish Council will re-open the tennis courts in Lower Green Recreation Ground for personal use only with effect from Wednesday 13 May 2020.

Users of the tennis courts are asked to comply with current guidance on using the courts.  Full details of the guidance can be found on the Lawn Tennis Association website.

Before leaving home and after you return

Please do not use the tennis courts if you have symptoms of Coronavirus or anyone you live with has symptoms.

Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before leaving home to go to the court (or use an alcohol gel if washing hands is not possible).


  • Take hand sanitizer with you
  • Take all your own equipment (do not share equipment such as rackets, grips,
    hats and towels)
  • Only take the minimum amount of equipment with you that you need to play
  • Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles before and after use
  • Bring a full water bottle, and do not share food or drink with others
  • Bring your own tennis balls that are clearly marked (e.g. with your initials)
  • Ensure you take all your belongings with you at the end of the session and do not leave anything on court

Travelling to and from the Court

  • Arrive as close as possible to when you need to be there
  • Avoid touching court gates, fences, benches, etc. if you can
  • Allow others to leave before you enter the court – if you need to wait then do so away from the courts and clear of the gates
  • Ensure you leave the court before other players enter
  • Do not congregate after playing. No extra-curricular or social activity should take place

Court Limits

  • Maximum of two people per court (singles play only). Players can be from different households
  • The only exception to the above is where a group of four players are all from the same household in which case they can play doubles

Maintain Social Distancing

  • Stay at least two metres away from other players at all times (including during play, when taking breaks and before and after play)
  • Do not make physical contact with other players (such as shaking hands or high five)
  • Stay on your side of court and avoid changing ends, or agree to change ends at opposite sides of the net
  • Avoid chasing the ball down to another court if other players are using it

Equipment & Facilities

  • Use your own clearly marked tennis balls
  • Avoid using your hands to pick up tennis balls that aren’t yours – use your racquet/foot to hit/kick them to your opponent or return them to another court
  • Avoid using other equipment such as  net handles where possible


  • If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve.  Please take your tissues home with you and dispose of carefully
  • Avoid touching your face