Visions of Pembury – Photograph Competition
Many of us have spent more time at home over the last year as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions. If you’re like us, you may have taken the opportunity to spend time outside in your favourite parts of the parish, or perhaps you’ve been exploring some new places locally.
We’d really like to collect views and images of Pembury that reflect what makes it a special place – both within the village itself and in the wider parish.
Our photograph competition is open to all ages and abilities. We would love it if you could send in your favourite photos, which can be submitted in one or more of the following categories:
- Local green spaces – is there an area of greenery that you think is particularly special within Pembury?
- Notable buildings – Is there a building or structure you’ve noticed that you particularly like? Perhaps it’s very old, or has special features or meaning to you.
- Favourite view – Is there a local view that epitomises Pembury, or have you discovered a new one? It could be across the landscape or perhaps is within the village or one of the hamlets.
To Apply
Please submit a maximum of two photos per category along with:
- Your name and contact details (and parental permission if required)
- The location of where the photo was taken
- A short description of the content of the photograph.
Email to:
The competition is open to all ages (entrants under age 18 will need parental permission) and abilities – whether you are a complete beginner using your phone, or more experienced with a full camera set up. We want to celebrate what is special about our parish!
All entries will be displayed locally and a judging panel will select Highly Commended entries in all categories and one overall winner will receive a voucher for £25.
Please ensure that your photos are taken from a publicly accessible place in the parish and do not contain people. Please see the full rules of the competition.
The closing date for entries is: Friday 8th January 2021.
Happy snapping!!