There’s lots of great wildlife around Pembury if you go and look for it!!!!! As part of the Great Big Green Week, Pembury Parish Council are running a photography competition to encourage you to go out and find out about Wild Pembury!
Why not enter our photographic competition and you could be in with a chance to win an Amazon voucher for £15! The overall winner will also have their photo on the cover of the autumn PVN!
- There are three age groups for 5-12 year olds, 12 to 18 year olds and over 18 years old.
- The competition is open to everyone living, working or studying in Pembury.
- Photographs must be of local wildlife, including animals, insects, trees, wild plants and flowers
- No humans, pets or domestic/farm animals subjects.
- No cultivated garden plants
- Photographs to be taken inside the Pembury Parish boundary – check our map showing the boundary.
- Entry to include the location of the photos, your name and age along with confirmation of your residential, work or school status.
- Photos to be taken between 3 April and 15 June 2024.
- DEADLINE: Extended to 24 June 2024.
Check the Pembury parish boundary map.
Please submit your photos to photos@pemburyparishcouncil.gov.uk and don’t forget to include the location of the photo, your name and age along with confirmation of your residential, work or school status or to make sure you get entered into the competition!