Pembury Parish Council

Welcome To Pembury Parish Council

Pembury Parish Council was created in 1895. It is the closest tier of local government to the people of Pembury. There are 13 councillors who represent the electors of the parish.

Normally the Council meets once a month in the Parish Office at 7:15pm. Committees meet in the Parish Office in Lower Green Recreation Ground at other times. Please check the Council Meeting page for details of those meetings and where they will be held. These meetings are open to the press and public to attend and there is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council. You are very welcome to attend so why not come along and see what we do.
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We hope you find this website useful.

Contact The Council

Contact The Council

We would love to hear your feedback about any issues concerning you. Please visit our contact page to get in touch.

Meet The Councillors

Meet The Councillors

Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.

Local History

Local History

Our area has a fascinating history. Visit our History page to find out more about the history of our Parish.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Checkout all the upcoming events in our locality. Get involved with your local community. Click the link below to find out more.

Recent Documents

Recent Documents

View and download recent documents including agendas, minutes and financial reports.

Pembury Parish Council
Call us
01892 823193
Email us
Visit us
Lower Green Recreation Ground Lower Green Road Pembury Kent TN2 4DZ