The Nationwide Great Big Green Week started in 2021 organised by the Climate Coalition. Its purpose is a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Many hundreds of thousands of people across the UK have been involved over the past 3 years For further reading check out the Great British Green Week website.
It would be great if we could organise a few events for this time to demonstrate our commitment and involvement in local nature and sustainability. The Parish Council are already contacting local schools, clubs and other organisations to get ideas for any activities or projects that local people can become involved with. It would be great to hear from any individuals or other groups with any ideas. There certainly will be a litter pick during this period, and hopefully the arrangement of 1 or 2 wildlife walks in the local woods. There is already activity going on to restore and enhance the pond at the entrance to Downingbury Farm.
If you have any ideas or would like to be involved as a volunteer please contact either myself jon.webster@pemburyparishcouncil.gov.uk or Helen Munro, the Clerk on clerk@pemburypaishcouncil.gov.uk.
I have quite a few ideas already but please don’t be afraid to contact us to let us know what you are doing. I will be at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 25 April and will be hoping to discuss any ideas then.
Please watch out on notice boards or the Parish Website and Social Media for any further information.
Cllr Jon Webster