
New Defibrillator Cabinet outside Paydens

It is over nine years ago that the Parish Council installed our Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) at the Pharmacy in the High Street. It has been accessed as a precaution on a couple of occasions, but thankfully never used. The original storage cabinet that is made of steel, was starting to leak and therefore the Parish Council decided it was time to replace it with a more modern cabinet. It was also decided to move it to a more prominent and accessible position on the building.

Like the previous cabinet, the new one is locked. The number to unlock it can be obtained from the Ambulance service when calling 999.

The Parish Council would like to thank Paydens, for their support in installing the new cabinet. Worthy of a very special mention are Chris Bayliss, Paydens Maintenance Manager and Kevin Tunley, Paydens Electrician. Kevin can be seen in the picture, when he fitted the new cabinet on Monday 5th June. Paydens have carried out all this work with no charge to the council and we are grateful for them continuing to support this life saving piece of equipment.

We would also like to extend our thanks to Steve Rose, who has worked closely with Paydens on the installation and continues to lead on the ongoing maintenance of the AED at the chemist.New defibrillator at chemistNew defibrillator at chemist