
Update from Waterfield House Surgery – November 2021

Update from Waterfield House Surgery

Flu Update 09.11.21:

With no set dates for deliveries of flu vaccines it has become quite frustrating for the practice and understandably for the patients. We are hoping to get a shipment of 100 doses later this week. Once we have the delivery we will invite corresponding number of patients.

We will be vaccinating the housebound patients with flu jabs this week and the next. We will call prior to visiting them.


Surgery has hired two locums to get us through the winter and with the addition of paramedic practitioner continues to book patient face to face appointments where appropriate albeit at clinician’s discretion. Demand for appointments has significantly risen and we are unable to meet the demand. We urge patients with minor ailments to access pharmacy or self-help care so that patients with more serious health conditions can access the surgery.

Covid Boosters

Please access NHS.UK website for booking covid booster or by calling 119. You can access local vaccination sites here including walk-in clinics.