

Overgrown Hedges

Overgrown hedges on roads and pavements can be a real problem at this time of year. Whose responsibility is it to cut back overgrown hedges? If a hedge is growing out of a resident/landowner’s...

A264 closure – Gas Network Upgrade

SGN will be upgrading the gas network in the Pembury Road area of Tunbridge Wells. This work will upgrade the old metal gas mains and services with new plastic pipe. The contractor, WCB...

Parish Councillor Vacancy 2023

Following the recent Parish Council elections, we have a vacancy for 1 parish councillor. Could you provide a voice for people living in Pembury? If so, why not think about joining the Parish...

Downingbury Farm Pond

Well done to the team of volunteers helping with the renovation of the Downingbury Farm Pond!   According to Farm residents this Pond, which has been present since at least 1770, had...

Military Road Run 2023

There are over 70 entries for this year's Military Road Run! They are due to drive down the High Street and Hastings Road in small groups passing between 10.15 and 11.30 on Sunday 16 April!!...

Nature Notes March 2023

Winter appears to be receding fast – the Redwings in Stonecourt Old Orchard have disappeared back to Northern and Eastern Europe to breed. These winter visiting thrushes can often be seen in...